Friday, September 18, 2009

Tossing out the line and reeling in..

I became a Sugar probably a bit too early in life. I should of went to University hooked myself a nice basketball player or even football player. Maybe even a smart boy... or a boy that’s dumb as bricks. However, I read about Sugar daddies when I was VERY young. My older sister always suggested I move up in the ranks of dating. Huh? She was promoting this life style. Why? Oh my dear sister dated “up” herself.
Then before I entered my first year in University I hooked my first daddy. He wasn’t much older than I he simply had made his money easily. He came from a well off family and got into law. He was 36, Handsome in the nerdy short of way with very high cheek bones and absolutely irresistible lips. We had our fun together for about 6 months when I decided ending things was for the best. To be honest this wasn’t your average Sugar Daddy/Baby relationship as I found this man to be beautiful inside and out.
How did I hook such a man? I’m really not sure. We met at one of the 25 + Night clubs that let’s all us teeny boppers in if we look the part (Meaning totally do-able.) He asked for my number and I cautiously handed over my cell phone number. After that night I forgot about the gourgous man and moved on with my life. I was preparing for University...who had time to think about a mysterious man who you met at a club. Four day later I get a call from “Unknown Caller”. Unknown Caller turns out to be mystery man and we talk for 45 mins. He asks if it would be OK for him to take me to dinner (again I agree but with great caution..)
To skip the nitty gritty. Our date went very well... In fact I swear to god Fireworks went off. We met at 5:30 for dinner and a very nice restaurant in the “Hip and cool” sector of our city. We talked until the sun went down, and our neighbouring guests had long left. We talked for hours... Then we went for a walk in which we talked until our feet hurt and there was nothing open not even a movie theatre. This is how our “relationship” started.

This is how most of our dates went for the next month. Dinner accompanied by long intimate talks and then endless walks for dessert. He brought out the intellectual side of me while I brought out the kid in the candy store in him. It was rather romantic and as time went on he started picking me up at school, giving flower, Chocolates and beautiful gifts, we then began going over to his place, or going to the spa (per my request,) movies, shopping etc.

Then one day love budded without warning. I must confess.. I have never been in love. Not then... and not now. Ironically enough our “love affair” ended when love became an actual factor.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

As a sugar I’m sure you’ve all experienced what I like to call the “Sugar Cycle”. You sign onto your account and you see to you sheer and utter delight a 1, 2 or even 5 in your inbox. So with utter disbelief you click to see who has checked you out. Now once you’ve clicked your way over to your inbox you read every message. 1 or 2 say “hey...What’s up?” (Seriously..not much is up if you’re sitting at the computer!) Now you read message 3 and this looks a bit more promising... He writes a bit about himself and asks you a few questions about who you are (none of these have to do with your breast, what cup size your breasts fit in or your waist size.) Now if your still with click to see what the man looks like. Sadly... You don’t feel like tracking him down and jumping his bones but, you think a bit about it and realize the general public will not stop and laugh if they see you two walking down the street. So you send a message back of course!

Now the waiting game....
You wait..
And wait...
And wait.....
A message.

Now these messages go on for days sometimes weeks. So a few weeks into your exchange you dare start to think “Woah, this just might work. I think I’ve found myself some sugar!” So now you’ve exchanged numbers...talked on the phone and have time invested into this little virtual affair. Maybe just maybe you’ve sent a few pictures to stroke his palette and open his “mind” to the idea of a little RL interaction.

Now picture this... You are sitting in your living room maybe watching a flick and your phone rings. It’d your Sugar. He suggests you meet on Friday for drinks at a nice hotel bar in your area. You agree. Once you’ve hung up you get up from the sofa and give yourself a nice pat on the back. Now Friday comes... you’ve primped, prepped and even primed yourself in preparation for your lucky Sugar.

Boy, is he going to be surprised...the man is going to think he’s died gone to heaven and was turned away and sent to hell. Because boy or boy are you looking hot and ready to rock the room once you’ve enter. Your walking into the hotel, you walk into the bar. To realize... your sugar isn’t there. You wait... 5 mins...10..20... still no sugar.’ve come to the conclusion... Honey, he’s a flake.